
Litany of Chastity

This litany, composed as the fruit of one man’s personal prayer, is a powerful resource to assist you in the journey toward greater freedom.

Litany of Chastity

Consecration to Our Lady

My Queen and my Mother, to thee I offer myself without any reserve; and to give thee a mark of my devotion, I consecrate to thee during this day my eyes, my ears, my mouth, my heart, and my whole person. Since I belong to thee, O my good Mother, preserve and defend me as thy property and possession. Amen.

Consecration to St. Joseph

Saint Joseph, Guardian of virgins and Father, to whose faithful care Christ Jesus, Innocence itself, and Mary, Virgin of virgins, were entrusted, I ask and beg of thee, through these two dearest pledges, Jesus and Mary, preserve me from all defilement, and make it always possible for me unsullied in mind, pure in heart, and chaste in body to give to Jesus and Mary my holiest service. Amen.

Litany for Integrity Restored

This litany is a powerful prayer. When you pray it, you call upon the name of Jesus Christ. You will name the lies of your life and renounce them in Christ. He will strengthen you against the lies of the world, the flesh, and the devil.

Litany for Integrity Restored

Prayer of Renunciation

In the name, power, blood, and authority of Jesus Christ, I bind and rebuke all unclean spirits that may be afflicting me. I renounce the sins of pornography and masturbation, and I renounce any affection that I have retained for them. I reject the empty promises of Satan, I refuse to be mastered by sin, and I hereby offer to God every distorted attachment that keeps me from him. Amen. 

(Forged, Jason Evert & Matt Fradd)